Thursday, November 18, 2010

Creative Writing Assignment #1

The Metaphor

What is a metaphor?
A metaphor is
Not a simile
Not a comparison using like or as
Not a white picket fence
Straight, level, isolated
In a field of weeds bounded by
Thorny bushes and barbed wire

A metaphor is
An enthusiastic child
Bloated from energy and joy
Eyes wide, eager to please
Bounding, leaping, floating,
It is a butterfly
Released from its cocoon
Tentatively testing tear-specked wings

A metaphor is
A flamboyant dress
Frosted hot pink lipstick
A cascade of golden curls
It is
The anchor that tethers one to school
The legal drug
Something that stops a school bus
It is

What is a metaphor?
A metaphor is.

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